Brain Hypoxia (cerebral hypoxia-ischemia) is a disorder characterised by a reduction in oxygen supply (hypoxia) combined with reduced blood flow (ischemia) to the brain. This condition may result from a localised obstruction of a cerebral artery or from systemic hypoperfusion. Prolonged cerebral hypoxia / ischemia is associated with ischemic attack, transient; brain infarction; brain oedema; coma; and other conditions.
If you prefer to learn about Cerebral Hypoxia by reading a well written textbook, we recommend a selection of books from (below). Providing a detail overview of Brain Hypoxia pathophysiology, this books selection presents the latest research in this field from around the world.
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Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) significantly increases the oxygen diffusion driving force, thus increasing oxygen availability to tissues. This helps to correct negative effects of Hypoxia and restore normal tissue oxygenation. By altering conditions of local cerebral hypoxia, HBO also facilitates the healing processes such as angiogenesis.
At a cellular level, by revitalizing the mitochondrial DNA and enzymes, Hyperbaric Oxygen can return damaged cells back to the life, like for example damaged brain neurons deprived of oxygen as a result of several possible reasons. Regardless of specific cause of the brain damage, e.g. strokes, carbon monoxide poisoning, Brain Hypoxia or autism – the mitochondrial biogenesis triggered by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy may start returning cellular metabolism back to life, also healing ischemia by restoring blood flow around hypoxic tissues of the brain.