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HBOT healed my MTBI
(Mild Traumatic Brain Injury)

by Michael Gray
(Las Vegas)

I was involved in a unhelmeted motorcycle accident on July 18th 2007. I was pronounced dead upon transport to the hospital but was revived by the paramedics, on my way to the hospital my GCS score* was a level three.

After my arrival I was diagnosed with MTBI and was not expected to live because my GCS score was so low but miraculously my score started to rise and things took a turn around for the best and my score went back to normal which is 15.

Two weeks in the hospital and one week in physical therapy learning how to walk and talk all over again was the beginning of a new life for me.

One year into TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)I was on my PC looking for something that would help relieve me from this agony and I ran across HBOT.

As I started to read about it I was impressed on all of the disabilities that have been successful in the healing by HBOT and it made perfectly good sense. Oxygen is what our bodies need to survive and heal -- how difficult is that to understand.

Between working out,eating right, vitamins and HBOT I was able to get myself back to 100%.

* Definion of GCS score by Wikipedia: Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a neurological scale that aims to give a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment.

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HBOT healed my MTBI
(Mild Traumatic Brain Injury)

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Also a TBI survivor
by: Jolene Kautzer

Hello,I was a pedestrian who was hit by a car over 20 years ago.I have been fighting depression for the years since I awoke from the coma I had been thrown into.

My dreams of life had been shattered,as at the time I was hit I was only 15 years of age.

I have learned a great deal about this from Michael Gray, & wish I could undergo treatment, but fat chance for insurance to pay a penny!I only wish.

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